General Higth Quality Cable Distributor

CV. Duta Kabel adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam penyuplaian kabel listrik berbagai merk, type dan size. Adapun produk – produk yang kami suplai meliputi Low Voltage Cable, Medium Voltage Cable, Higth Voltage Cable, Instrument Cable, Bare Conductor, Special Purpose or Customize Cable & Cable Accessories.
CV. duta kabel

Our Product

Low Voltage Power Cables are rated up to 0.6/1 kv and mainly used in electric distribution at the nearest end to users’ items, i.e. machineries, equipments, appliances, lightings, power outlets, ets.

Medium Voltage Power Cables are rated up to 18/30 (36) kv and mainly used in MV distribution network. The conductors are copper or aluminium, mostly compacted stranded to shape round insulated core.

Our aluminium and Copper Casting plants supply for both internal and external requirement of quality rods, either for cable or other industrial use. Overhead  Bare Conductors are used to deliver power in High or Extra High Transmission Lines connecting Power Generating Plant and its Substations. The conductors are stranded aluminium alloy, like AAC, AAAC, ACAR, ACSR, ACSR/TW, ACSR/AW, TACSR, etc. Overhead insulated Conductors are designed for overhead MV distribution (AAAC/XLPE, MV ABC) or Service Drop cables (LV ABC).

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